Last edited: 2020-07-12

Podcast I like: Philosophize This!

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Listening to podcasts while hiking is one of my greatest pleasures. Enjoying the scenery while getting deep into thought about new subjects makes me feel extremely productive and satisfied—nothing beats self improvement like learning something new whilst keeping the body fit for fight. Getting stunning views when exploring our world is definitely an added bonus!

I got recommended the Philosophize This! podcast, and I must say; it is one of my favorites!

I have never formally studied philosophy, but Stephen West manages to make the podcast beginner-friendly enough so even I can follow along. Starting from episode 1 is definitely what I recommend. This way we get to experience an, at times funny, chronological summarization of all the philosophers since Thales (circa 626/623 BCE).
Stephen West, while being humble about it, is an entertaining speaker (which is probably the most important thing when making a podcast). He is engaging and very concise in an easy-to-follow way, which leaves the listener with an excruciating dilemma; should I continue to listen and learn more about other philosophers, or should I start to find more information about this philosopher? Unfortunately we do not have an infinite amount of time to learn everything, but, atleast, we can get the summarized version of all of our great philosophers.

A direct link to the libsyn RSS feed can be found here.

Have fun.